Discover Data on 150M + US Properties

Easily search any U.S. property by address or APN to access a wealth of property data, ownership info, and unlimited skip tracing.

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Find New Properties with Intuitive Ease

  • Search by Address. Start typing in your property's address and select it from the dropdown menu.

  • Use Our Advanced Filters. Find new properties to invest in using a set of criteria.

  • Search by APN Number. Insert the property's APN/Parcel number to locate it on the map.


US Properties listed on the Platform


Data points available for each property

Property Searches, Deal Tracking, And Skip Tracing

View Property Data &
Skip Trace

  • Location Details. Full address, land use, zoning, school info, neighborhood data.

  • Property Data. Year built, square footage, lot size & type, bedrooms/bathrooms, construction & materials, amenities.

  • Ownership & Skip Tracing. Unlimited owners' contact info, ownership history, length, linked properties, sale comps, and MLS History.

  • Financial Data. Estimated value, tax info, mortgage info, equity info, foreclosure info.

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Investor Dashboard & Pipeline:
Find & Close More Deals

The Invest Nest is a full-cycle Investor Dashboard for real estate investors with any level of experience.

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Deals Pipeline. Add properties to your deal pipeline for easy tracking through research and analysis to purchase.  Never miss another deal again!
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Property Analysis Calculator. Evaluate the true potential of your property and make the best data-driven decisions with our proprietary investment calculator.

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Owner Skip Tracing. Access the owner's contact information to get in touch right away. Enjoy unlimited skip tracing for all the listed properties.

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Portfolio Management. View all of your purchased properties in our Portfolio section.

Plans and Pricing

Free Investor Community


Key Benefits of Free Plan:
  • 7-Day Investor Dashboard Free Trial

  • Access to Our Social Media & Investor Profile

  • Free unlimited networking in our Real Estate Community

Premium Investor Dashboard


Key Benefits of Premium Plan:
  • 7-Day Investor Dashboard Free Trial

  • Access to Our Community & Networking

  • Full access to Investor Dashboard, Property Search, Pipeline, Calculator, Skip Tracing

Our Platform is Perfect For

Buy and Hold Investors

Striving to make informed decisions to maximize their real estate investing ROI.

House Flippers

Looking for a nurturing environment and essential easy-to-navigate toolset.


In need of fast modern software for investment management & networking.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Are there any hidden fees & expenses?

No, we only charge a set amount per month. Your monthly Premium subscription includes all the property searches, calculator runs, report downloads, and skip tracing.

Do You Offer Customer Support?

Yes, you can talk to our Customer Support specialists using a Support Chat available in your general Chats list.

Are there any limits in the Premium Plan?

No limits! Our pricing structure is very simple, and our Premium Plan allows you to use the full extent of our platform's functionality, while the Free Plan will only sign you up for the Community section of the product.

What happens if my trial ends and I don't upgrade?

In this case we will not charge you anything and you can stay on the Free Plan, using all the Community & Social Media features of our platform. However, you will lose access to your Dashboard, Pipeline, Calculator and other Premium features.